The Pulse Trilogy is
nearing a close. Once I get Flat Line in my hands I am going to give
it one last review before releasing it and then it's onto the next
project. There will never be an end to the Pulse World. I look
forward to exploring the mystery behind certain characters, but at a
later time.
It has been a fun
adventure writing about Elizabeth and Virgil. Honestly, It might not
be the last. You may glimpse them again in the near future. :)
And as I wait for
Flat Line to get here I am reviewing over Guardian, A Fated Pairing
line by line to turn it into a paperback. Fourth paperback! Yeah!!
Cross your fingers that it will be available in October.
Brenda Franklin
Brenda Franklin
Purchase my products from the links below
The Pulse Trilogy
Flat Line Amazon, Smashwords, and Barnes and Noble
Guardian, A Fated Pairing
(Paranormal Romance)
Amazon, Smashwords, and Barnes and Noble
Guardian, A Fated Pairing
(Paranormal Romance)
Amazon, Smashwords, and Barnes and Noble